Friday, September 11, 2009

clase de espanol 1:

what makes a good friend is someone that is maduro. they know how to act. but your friend could act funny with you but not at a serious point.a friend doesn't get celosa of you. they will be there for you.and a good friend is someone that you can confiar!!! sometimes maybe tell each other secrets. but we don't el chisme!! a good friend is there with you in hard times and bad. our la amistad would last a life time.

an example of how a friend could betray me(traicion) would be by telling me a mentiroso. also by conquetear with my boyfriend(don't have)trying to romper us up. and telling them that this person talks about you and they are best friend. that does seem like they are there for you.

1 comment:

  1. loved it! great use of spanglish. keep it up. you might want to consider changing the size and color of your font. it is very difficult to read. if you need help with that let me know.
