Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My favorita tienda is aeropostale. This tienda is in malls. like Muncie,Dayton, and Indianapolis.
La tienta es grande y es cara.

Las buenas tiendas estan in Muncie. The Muncie mall is grande. i love comprar ropa there. Also they have la zapateria,la dulceria,los articulos deportivos, la liberia,la joyeria,la lenceria, y la ropa de dama y caballero. that is donde the buenas tiendas estan.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

1. Si, me gusta la soda, de mt.dew.

2.Si, me gusta la quesadilla.

3.Si, me gusta el helada.

4.Si, me gusta el pan tostada, de la mermelada.

5.Si, me gusta el agua sin gaseosa.

6.Si, me gusta la chocolate leche.

1.No me gusta el cafe negra.

2.No me gusta el cafe con leche.

3.No me gusta el te de helada.

4.No me gusta una cerveza.

5.No me gusta un sandwich.

6.No me gusta el jamon.

7.No me gusta el quesa.

8.No me gusta un bocadilla.

1.Si, me gusta la torta, por que deliciosa.

2.Si, me gusta la galleta, por que buena.

3.Si, me gusta el chocolate calinte, por que saborosa.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


My madre went to the banco yestserday.

You have to dobla and then para at the biblioteca, and then sigue down the road toma a la izquierda and para at the plaza.

Presidente of the united estado is Obama.

The avion es este of the bosque that es delante de fabrica.

The apartamento has decimo piso, and i stayed in the quinto piso.

? did you para at the semaforo detras de sierra?

Monday, September 21, 2009

span. 1

Congnates are words in espanol and ingles that look similar. also i can tell by how they are spelled and said.

masculine and feminine. masculine are nouns that usually end with o's. and feminie nouns that usually end in with a's. and the definite articles for each of them is el-m-las.(masculine) la-f-las.(feminine) the indefinite articles are un-m-unas(masculine) una-f-unas(feminine).

sentence. the sentence/ question structure is that adjective goes before noun. For question the noun goes before the adjective.

the articles. the articles are definite articles that with masculine and feminine. The (the) is el-m-las. la-m-las. The a-an are un-m-unas. and una-f-unas.

Friday, September 11, 2009

clase de espanol 1:

what makes a good friend is someone that is maduro. they know how to act. but your friend could act funny with you but not at a serious point.a friend doesn't get celosa of you. they will be there for you.and a good friend is someone that you can confiar!!! sometimes maybe tell each other secrets. but we don't el chisme!! a good friend is there with you in hard times and bad. our la amistad would last a life time.

an example of how a friend could betray me(traicion) would be by telling me a mentiroso. also by conquetear with my boyfriend(don't have)trying to romper us up. and telling them that this person talks about you and they are best friend. that does seem like they are there for you.